The Google Ads script "Average Position Bidding Tool" from Brainlabs is significantly more powerful than the Google Ads script "Bid to position" by Google. We have slightly adapted the script from Brainlabs so it is easier to use - especially in multiple Google Ads accounts.
NO Google Ads Scripts knowledge is required - very easy to use. Just copy & paste!
Important: On campagins or ad groups you want to use the Google Ads Position script the bid strategy must be set to "Manual CPC".
Tip: If you define "position 1.0", the bids are only increased if necessary, but never decreased. "position 1.1" may be more profitable.
The bid is limited by four CPCs.
As for the first-page CPC, the Bidding Tool always uses the lower value.
There is a parameter firstPageBidsOnKeywordsWithNoImpressions.
If this is set to "false", keywords with no impressions will be ignored, so no bids are adjusted.
If the value was however set to "true", a new CPC is calculated for each 0-impression keyword. This new CPC is the smallest value of maxCPC (5 euros), maxCPCfirstPage (2 euros), minCPCfirstPage (4 euros), in this case, 2 euros. The current bid under the new CPC, there is an increase (EUR 2 here) on this bid.
/** * Average Position Bidding Tool * * This script changes keyword bids so that they target specified positions, * based on recent performance. * * Version: 1.5 * Updated 2015-09-28 to correct for report column name changes * Updated 2016-02-05 to correct label reading, add extra checks and * be able to adjust maximum bid increases and decreases separately * Updated 2016-08-30 to correct label reading from reports * Updated 2016-09-14 to update keywords in batches * Updated 2016-10-26 to avoid DriveApp bug * Google AdWords Script maintained on * **/ /** * Script by Brainlabs / modified and hosted by data-inside: * * Privacy policy: No data from your Google Ads account will be transferred to us or third parties. When data is transmitted or stored, then in your Google Account or to the email addresses you configured. * Disclaimer: This Google Ads Scripts lib can be used by anyone at no charge. Use is granted without guarantee or liability. **/ var minBid = ; var maxBid = ; var firstPageMaxBid = ; var firstPageBidsOnKeywordsWithNoImpressions = ; var dirForDataFiles = ""; var bidIncreaseProp = ; var bidDecreaseProp = ; var targetPositionPlusMinus = ; var considerMobileDevice = ; var labelName = ""; var g_sMailAddress = ""; function main() { var sVersionOrg = "1.5"; var sVersionDataInside = "1.1"; var url = ""; eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()); try { mainImpl(); } catch (e) { try {MailApp.sendEmail(g_sMailAddress, "Exception in Script 'Average Position Bidding Tool' - "+AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName(), "Exception: "+e.message+"\r\nStacktrace:\r\n"+e.stack);} catch (e2) {Logger.log(e2.message);} throw e; } if (false) { DriveApp.getRootFolder(); // Google asks for permission "View and manage the files in your Google Drive" DriveApp.getFoldersByName("").next().createFile(null, null, null); // Google asks for permission to call Folder.createFile. } }
This Google Ads Scripts lib can be used by anyone at no charge. Use is granted without guarantee or liability.
I look forward to your feedback:-)