The Google Ads Script 'Negative Keyword Conflicts' from Google searchs for negative keywords which are in conflict with regular keywords. This is normally unwanted and the regular keyword should be paused or the negative keyword removed.
Google is a bit sloopy wit it. Sometimes you must edit the script to make it run or the (translated) documentation is not up to date. Here three common problems:
Exception: Invalid reporting query: UNSUPPORTED_VERSION: RequestError.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION.
Incorrect range width, was 7 but should be 6
Exceeded maximum execution time
The solution is very simple. Find the line apiVersion: 'v201605'
(ignore the number) and write two // before so you get // apiVersion: 'v201605'
Then the script should work fine.
In version 1.3.3 Google implemented a long wanted feature: The name of the negative keyword lists are reported now.
But Google didn't update all translations so e.g. in the German translation the link to the template spreadsheet has not been updated.
Here the right version from the English description: template spreadsheet for 'Negative Keyword Conflicts' (Version 1.3.3)
The solution depends on if you are using the MCC version or the single account version of the script.
Divide your accounts into groups and give them different labels. Install the script as often as you defined label groups. We named the labels zz_negKeyConflict 1
, zz_negKeyConflict 2
Edit the Google Ads Scripts so that each script considers just the accounts with a specific label:
ACCOUNT_LABEL: 'zz_negKeyConflict 1',
(every script with a different number)
zz_negKeyConflict 1
, zz_negKeyConflict 2
etc. Edit the Google Ads Scripts so that each script considers just the accounts with a specific label:
CAMPAIGN_LABEL: 'zz_negKeyConflict 1',
(every script with a different number)
I look forward to your feedback:-)