We regularly publish free Google Ads scripts here.
NO knowledge of Google Ads script is required! Simply copy and paste into your account.
Our automatic LinkChecker for Google Ads goes far beyond the checks of other Google Ads scripts for link or landing page verification.
You will receive an email when:
Our link checker also copes with very large accounts – then simply set the execution to hourly instead of daily if the account is too large that all links can be checked within 30 minutes (limitation of Google).
The Google Ads Script Make Exact Match Exact by Brainlabs makes exact match keywords again. For this purpose, the search queries are evaluated and negative keywords are automatically added if necessary.
With older versions of the Google Ads Script you have to be careful for which ad groups you configure it. The current version automatically checks if there are only exactly matching keywords in an ad group – great! Unfortunately, Brainlabs has removed the possibility to run the script only for certain ad groups – but we think this is very important.
Among other things, we have added the selectability of ad groups and made the Google Ads Script easier to use for non-programmers.
Google Ads Monitoring is a free Google Ads Script that will send you an email tabulating where there are noticeable changes from defined comparison periods.
We are of course happy about any reference to our scripts.
Since the URL is a bit long in posts and on slides, we created this short URLs:
Google Ads Scripts must be updated sometimes when Google made changes in Google Ads. This means that suddenly some scripts don't work anymore. That's why we publish our Google Ads Scripts in a way that we can update them for you.
If you use scripts from other websites you must update them yourself.
No data from your Google Ads account will be transferred to us or third parties. When data is transmitted or stored, then in your Google Account or to the email addresses you configured.
Use is granted without guarantee or liability.
I look forward to your feedback:-)