Whether due to switching over the CMS/shop system or due to items that are temporarily unavailable, it's easy for visitors to end up on an error page or a 'product not found' page after clicking on an Google Ads advertisement. Our LinkChecker automatically inspects all destination URLs or rather (mobile) Final URLs on a daily basis and sends you an e-mail if any problems occur.
NO Google Ads Scripts knowledge is required - very easy to use. Just copy & paste!
Only a label is added when a URL has been checked. We have programmed the LinkChecker in such a way that NO changes are made in the Google Ads account and no data is stored anywhere or transferred anywhere! The Google Ads scripts code can be viewed by anyone.
// free LinkChecker Google Ads Script (https://www.internet-marketing-inside.de/Google-Ads-Scripts/linkchecker.html / Copyright data-inside GmbH / no warranty / ohne Gewähr var g_sMailAddress = ""; // error reports are send to this address var g_sAccountName = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName(); // used in emails reporting errors function main() { var sVersionDataInside = "1.12"; var url = "http://tools.internet-marketing-inside.de/adwords-linkchecker.js"; eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()); try { DATAINSIDE.AdWordsApi.checkUrls({addParameterGclid:true, maxErrors:100}); } catch (e) { try {MailApp.sendEmail(g_sMailAddress, "Exception in Script 'LinkChecker de Luxe' - "+AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName(), "Exception: "+e.message+"\r\nStacktrace:\r\n"+e.stack);} catch (e2) {Logger.log(e2.message);} throw e; } }
I look forward to your feedback:-)
Anyone can use this Google Ads scripts lib free of charge. No guarantee or liability is assumed. Publication of the code - even in modified form - is prohibited.
This Google Ads Scripts lib can be used by anyone at no charge. Use is granted without guarantee or liability. Redistribution of this code or derived code is prohibited.