The Google Ads script "Make Exact Match Exact" that we publish here from Brainlabs (, makes "exact match keywords" match exactly again by adding negative keywords. We have adapted the script from Brainlabs (V2.0) so it is easier to use and no changes in Google Ads Scripts code are necessary.
NO Google Ads Scripts knowledge is required - very easy to use. Just copy & paste!
Just copy this script and paste it into your Google Ads account. Rather than directly clicking below in the instructions to "Run script now", you can also first click on "Preview" and then choose the report. There it is listed which negative keywords are added where, when executing the script correctly.
If you want, you can still specify that the script, for example, runs daily at midnight automatically (recommended).
/** * Make Exact Match Exact * * Adds negatives for any search query that doesn't actually exactly match an exact match keyword. * * Version: 2.0 * Google AdWords Script maintained on **/ /** * Script by Brainlabs / modified and hosted by data-inside: * Modification 1.0 of script version 2.0 * **/ var g_sCampaignNameDoesNotContain = []; // array means 'contains none of' var g_sCampaignNameContains = []; // array means 'contains at least on of' var g_sAdGroupNameContains = ""; var g_bMakeChanges = ; var g_sMailAddress = ""; var g_bReportFoundMail = ; var g_bConsiderPaused = ; // true: paused ad groups and paused keywords will be analysed like active function main() { var sVersionOrg = "2.0"; var sVersionDataInside = "1.0"; var url = ""; eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()); try { mainImpl(); } catch (e) { try {MailApp.sendEmail(g_sMailAddress, "Exception in Script 'Making Exact Match Exact' - "+AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName(), "Exception: "+e.message+"\r\nStacktrace:\r\n"+e.stack);} catch (e2) {Logger.log(e2.message);} throw e; } }
This Google Ads Scripts lib can be used by anyone at no charge. Use is granted without guarantee or liability.
I look forward to your feedback:-)